Fertilizing Your Lawn

Lawn Care Guide:Fertilizing Your Lawn
The 3 major nutrients your lawn needs to thrive are Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium(K)
Nitrogen (N): Promotes vigorous blade, leaf and stem growth encouraging a dark green color. It improves overall plant health, quality and density and aids in tolerance to heat, cold and drought stress. However, too much nitrogen can cause quick blade growth at the expense of strong root development. The best type of nitrogen for your lawn is slow-release, because it offers a consistent supply of nitrogen, has less chance of burning the grass and reduces nutrient loss due to leaching from the soil. Slow-release nitrogen also reduces pollution caused by fertilizer run off from over watering or heavy rain.
Phosphorus (P): This nutrient promotes early plant development, hastens plant maturity and stimulates bloom and root development.
Potassium(K): Acting like a vitamin, potassium helps strengthen the grass plant. It also works to make your lawn more disease resistant and hardy.
Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) are always listed in this order on fertilizer bags. The numbers correspond to the amount of each in the formula.
Stop in and let us help you have the best lawn on the block!
- Lonnie Pettigrew