Have You Started Winterizing Your Yard Yet?

Cold weather is upon us, leaves are falling, and the grass is growing ever slower. Before long, we will have that first snow, and the window of opportunity for squaring away the yard will be gone. Whether you have flower beds, a vegetable garden, trees, and/or just the lawn, we offer some great tips here for winterizing the outdoors before you have to stay indoors.
Take Control of Your Flower Bed
Got bulbs? You might be one of the many people who leave all their bulbs in the ground from year to year, but did you know that fall is the perfect time to put them where you want them? Bulbs multiply and over time cluster up together, and you end up with big clumps of flowers in the spring. Fall is a great time to dig up those bulbs and separate them. Decide exactly where you want those flowers to grow in the spring and take control of the bed. After getting them back into the ground, cover them up for winter with a blanket of mulch. By spring, they will be ready to bless your yard with some color.
Trim Some Trees
It’s a great time to trim up some trees. When the leaves have nearly all fallen from your trees and before old man winter takes up residence, the sap in a trees’ limbs and trunk has mostly descended to the base of the tree. This is a far better time to prune and trim than in the spring or summer because then the sap is flowing freely throughout the tree. If you need tools, pruning sealer, or advice, Pettigrew has you covered.
Think Ahead
The same fact that makes it the right time for pruning also makes it the right time for planting. In addition to the design you’ve chosen for your bulbs, you may want to include some shrubs. Maybe there is a place you’ve wanted a tree. Fall, before the snow starts falling, is the best time to get these in. Be sure to water the root ball very well once the hole is filled in and the roots will start to establish during the winter.
Take Care of Your Equipment
When the work in the yard is done, it’s a great time to maintain the yard tools. Knock off all the dirt with a putty knife and get the rest with a wire brush. Sharpen up the edges with a file or a whetstone. A sanding disk on a drill is great for getting off any rust, but fine sandpaper or steel wool can finish it up. To keep your garden tools from rusting during the winter, apply some paste wax or linseed oil. This is also the perfect time to gather up all the garden hoses, drain them out, and roll them up for storage.
We hope these ideas will help you enjoy your yard even during the winter as well as make sure your yard tools are in great shape for the spring. Be sure to let the staff at Pettigrew Feed and Hardware set you up with all the help, tools, and supplies you need.
- Mike Tarantino